Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Coin vol. 5

Not face value.

The rose, the quintessential flower. The face of things of (the heart). The color of love, the color of blood. Pain and content one in the same. The most familiar and with time grossly underrated plant planned by God to be the face of the garden, i see God in ya. The sign of the valen- times, valiant effort to quell the mutiny, muted angst and amped frustration, the flora is negated. 

Cue the Canna. He likes things 'different'. Volume 2 of the minikui, strange fruits hanging from the edge of his wavelengths. Self centered and misunderstood. Self-served into his likelihoods. The weird appeals, then fear of being too opposite to act as if he operates in the realms of the normality. Thought, manifest of the the same. 

Lillies and orchids and lotuses and tulips. All flowers, all to leave (this earth for). All striving to be, the most uniquely described, the pommerac of the eye, he sees. But this is chosen recognize the worth golden, unspoken rhetorics rest in quiet and growing, admiration of the very special and delicate, with the gift of outside and inside eyes, studied as a subject, flow wrists, canna the instrument of an uncommon affection, predicate. 

Not many flowers bloom at the water's horizon, but the elements of the scenery make it just as scenely as Eden'd be. She sells him sails by the surety of a blossoming liking, the unique formation and texture and look and sensation of what he twirls like the whole world is in his hands. The very stone, throws close to home. Pocketed like a pool, encapsulated by the fabric of instant and also deep lying fascination, and in his mindstate, safe there, like combinations of his brain where, cay cay, key, lock.

Twisted as his thoughts may be, accept thst he believes MH370 is somewhere safe and sounds like the aforementioned self sent her to realize his enigma. Afflicted as his eyes mighht be, conceive his visions, the closest rumors to a lost soul undone. 

In a crowd of people he cares not of, only once would concern be given, for the plant, the rock, the spirit he's fond, a strange swan. Wands are for fairytales, so in real, sparks here and there. Acceptance. Ideals are separate and severed froms sectors of the usual, eyes, deal kindly as such. Grasp no matter the gasp of sharp winds wound and bound to be, cognizant of the the cogs of his ant,ique and not weak standpoint. The hour for Strength. 

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